What little time I have to get on the computer nowadays. I got on today. Saw this idiotic story connected to a top story of another idiot titled "November Witch" pertaining to snow storms in the Midwest. Bitch, leave those people alone. Come to think of it, storms eveywhere. Government fucking with us inducing storms. We had a doozie here at the Gulf Coast few weeks ago. Remnants of Patricia I think. Scary as shit!!!
Anyways..... I'm staring.... staring at this 'picture' and headline, "You'll Understand Why Australia....' And I'm thinking. Some motherfucker has the time and patience to photoshop.... this. I'm thinking.... if internet existed when I was a young woman and I saw 'this' .... I'D BE TERRIFIED!! Some stupid, no life, idiot....has nothing better to do than... this. And not just this, but there are million of other mental photoshops out there. Mental. Pure mental.