I talk a lot of shit. And the shit is true. But, we do have a lot of fun moments at that Coffee Shop. We crack up (no pun intended, Southwest, cracks) a lot, sometimes where the laughter is too much, can't breath (again no pun intended, Southwest, oxygen masks drop).
Why, why do y'all have to come in every single day? Not only that, but two, three times a day? In and out thru-out the day? That is so fucked up. Why would you want to do that to me? Or anybody else?
It feels good to vent, Blog about y'all, to get it out of my system. Sometimes, after i blog, and i come to work and i see y'all, i feel bad, because y'all are so kind to me. But just because i'm pleasant and i smile doesn't mean i'm not tired. And i don't mind chatting and joking with y'all, certainly do not mind waiting on you... but for the love of God, if not two, three times in the same day? Or, you may come in only once, but you sit there for three hours? Not cool.
In case something happens on that plane, i am so coming back to haunt y'all in your sleep.
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