Waving that fuckin finger at me. Only the EVERYDAY customers do it. And not all of them... a few of them. And sometimes it's when i'm approaching them ANYWAYS with a pot of coffee. And THEN.... wanna tap that finger on their coffee cups like i'm a COMPLETE IDIOT and didn't GET the meaning of the WAVING finger!!!!!!!
Just by them coming in EVERYDAY i allready know that they are unstable... and i was ranting just TODAY about this to a local regular that does NOT wave their finger at me. My boss was still their... the afternoon shift was just beginning... she was fixin to leave soon ....and she came up behind me and gave me a hug... like it's okay... it's okay. I did feel kind of better, but....
It's NOT okay!!!!
These nut cases... it's only a matter of time!!!!!!! That i go nuts on them!!!! Just one letter short!!!! One letter short!!!!!
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