Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Questionable Scribble on a Starbucks Cup
I have been trying for the past hour to get the video for this story onto my blog page, but it won't let me. It's the story of the day on AOL news... easy to google.
It seems a Starbucks regular customer got some questionable scribble on her Starbucks cup. Everyone knows how i feel about those regulars. But it's the sit-down, hang around all day... regulars.....
I have no problem with the regulars that come in everyday and take their stuff ..... to go. Most of the time. If they piss me off, i'm just happy that they are taking their stuff... to go... and i know i won't have to endure their idiocy for too long.
Starbucks has got to be a chaotic-ly crazy place to work. Imagine rush hour(s). Sooo many different kinds of coffees... teas... hot and cold. Squirt of this... drizzle of that... oh my God... i don't think i could learn all the different kinds of drinks they have to make. Kudos to them.
I don't know what happened inside that Starbucks that day of the questionable scribble.... i wasn't there. But i would never have the nerve... or want to.... scribble words on a coffee cup that look like bitch... and hand it to a customer. That takes some balls.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Use: Veggies On Your Skin?
An article on beauty i read on Aol
There are a bunch of garden-fresh goodies that boost your complexion -- cucumbers on your eyes are just the beginning. "One I really love that I use on my celebrity clients is raw potato, sliced and rubbed under your eyes to help with puffiness, dark circles and inflammation," says Deborah Burnes, CEO and founder of Sumbody and author of "Look Great, Live Green." Burnes recommends leaving the slice on for five minutes, then swapping out for a new piece.
"Another great old adage is cabbage water -- our grandmothers never threw out leftover water when they boiled cabbage, and it works well if you store it in a spray bottle in the fridge and use it as a toner," she says. Burnes also suggests trying the water from cooking kale, spinach or broccoli (even though we don't often boil veggies anymore!).
"Another great old adage is cabbage water -- our grandmothers never threw out leftover water when they boiled cabbage, and it works well if you store it in a spray bottle in the fridge and use it as a toner," she says. Burnes also suggests trying the water from cooking kale, spinach or broccoli (even though we don't often boil veggies anymore!).
End of Article
Here's some beauty advice from me. First, take that cucumber or any other fruit or vegetable OFF your face .... PUT it in your mouth!!! And EAT it!!!
Yes, for crying out loud.....EAT your fruit and vegetables. Get those raw fruits and raw vegetables INTO your body. Does WONDERS for your skin and overall health. Imagine that.
Good Grief... smearing this, smearing that .... laying there all uncomfortable .... waiting for cucumber juice to get under your skin...... EAT IT!!!!
..... But don't eat (a lot) potatoes..... so fattening.
LMAO. Spraying cabbage water? all over you?? ....... Here's a novel concept.... ready?.... EAT IT!!!! Eat it!... and your done! It doesn't get more healthier than that!!
Spray water on yourself ....that you use from boiling kale (wth is that anyways?), spinach and broccoli? Omg..... EAT IT!!!
So my advice basically is... use your favorite moisturizer, EAT a couple of your favorite fruit or vegetable.... have a glass of water...... do this everyday and after a week or two you will look marvelous and feel great!!
*Sigh*....PwoodeeCoo has spoken.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Two and a Half Men- Ashton Kutcher
Without reading any reviews ... yet, on Two and a Half Men's episode last night, i'm going to say mine.
I was disappointed. I was surprised that the writers made Ashton Kutcher's character.... stupid. Straight out of That 70's Show. And he was hilarious on that show, but enough.
Why do producers, writers insist on playing this man as stupid. Maybe future episodes will ease up on that shit, but i was very surprised last night. I felt bad for Mr. Kutcher, he wasn't getting the genuine laughs from the audience that Charlie used to get... and it is not his fault. It's the writers. I hope they give his character as much character as Charlie had and that the rest of the cast already have. And ease up on the not funny stupid.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Milky Way Simply Caramel: Pool
Oh yes! How appetizing! I am going to buy a candy bar i envision having a pube in it! Or pit hair! Or frumunduh cheese. Or whatever kind of dingle-berry.... crud... from a butt crack. Gross!
Butt hair, leg hair. Dead skin cells. Scabies. Yuck. People... who make a lot of money... all sat around a big table.. and decided... Yes, this is the commercial for our product!
Seriously, how disgusting.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Angry Mother Nature can be a Bitch
I can certainly relate. I lost, completely... my entire house to a hurricane back in '08. And that headline... "I haven't cried yet..." Is so true.
I didn't break down until i saw the (not there) house a second time a month later. Walking around my property... other people's things scattered everywhere, someone's kitchen flloor, their sink still attached to some pipes, smack in the middle where my living room... was.
I didn't have anything to go thru. I prepared for the hurricane. Put everything from outside... inside. Even tho the house was on pilings, i put everything inside the house that i could... high up... so the water wouldn't get it. But i didn't believe i would get that much water in my house. The storm surge isn't going to be that bad.
Yeah, i'm probably going to have a mess to clean when i get back (family and i evacuated)... i even mentally told my house... see you in a few days... i looked around while at the door fixin' to lock it up... hoping eveything will be.. okay. And in the middle of the night, in the darkness, with only a small bag of clothes and toiletries, we fled.
Some 400 miles away at a hotel, watching the news a couple of days later, we heard of the destruction.
For a week they wouldn't let us come into town. I was so curious... not worried, because my house has been thru many hurricanes... i was just curious to see what damage i had... and i was anxious to see my things, if they are okay.
I simply refused that fucker of a storm...took my house...and everything in it... completely.
So we (family) look and look around. We pick up anything we could dig with and scour a quarter mile radius. We find some of our clothes in the sludge, rotted, here and there. My brand new washer and dryer, not a year old a block away, badly beaten.
My pictures, my photos, from so many years... gone. I was so wishing to find those, maybe i can salvage a few... no. Looking, digging, crying... please let me find them... they are in a big tupperware box... if i could only find that box.... no.
Neighbors standing, looking in disbelief. walking around, poking and proding... digging... looking for anything that looks familiar, from their homes. I find a little glass knick-knack thingy... intact.. partly in the sludge. It's not really dirty... i put it on a tree branch laying on the ground. Maybe someone walking by will recognize it as theirs and be happy to see it.
As i walk up a block or so, i can't believe what i see. A little glass jewelry box ( i kept cotton balls in) i had on my dresser in my bedroom... sitting on top of a piling laying on the ground... intact. Someone put it there as i did just a little while ago... with someone else's knick-knack. Bittersweet, i pick it up, tears... i whisper, 'my God, what happened'
To this day i think of that house as almost a person. I cry to the terror it went thru when that fucker hurricane was beating it down and finally the ocean surge finished it off.
But i am grateful we are alive. We didn't stay for the hurricane, but some did. And only some survived.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
I'm frightened and confused
Lord have mercy. There is no horror movie character that can scare me more than this. Because this is real, this is part of our society. Not just an idiot, but a dangerous one at that.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Sugarland - Stay
Oh for the love of....
Crying. Begging. For him to... stay. And a married man at that... the song, heartbreaking beautiful it is.... is about a woman, in love with a married man, begging that married man to... stay... with her.
Not only is he married, he's mentally defective. He has to be to inflict that kind of pain to his wife... and his mistress. THATS NOT LOVE, IT'S MENTAL SICK!!!
Say it with me people... nnnaaarrrccciiissssiiiisssst... NARCISSIST!!!!
Married or not! Man OR Woman. Don't CRY. Don't BEG ANY asshole-holic narcissist to STAY!!!!!
Lonely??? It's better to be ALONE, not LONELY, than to lay there and CRYYYYY for a chump.
Oh HELL no! I could kick my own STUPID ass for all those times i layed there and cried.. for a chump????
I look back sometimes laughing, shaking my head and saying to myself... idiot. And not really an idiot that i let these narcissists emotionally beat me so bad .... but that i begged them to STAY and keep doing it to me. Some for years. One for 8 years.
The last one, couple years ago, i wasn't looking for it (i was happy with my friend with benefits at the time) but he was so cute and persistent and yeah, i fell hard in love. BUT i was telling myself to watch out. Oh, i acted normal as did he, .... love, you know, everything perfect for the first three months. It feels so real, i was starting to think, well maybe. Then..... something was not right. With a narcissist you can't explain it, but i was feeling really nervous. He was always looking for a fight i guess, is the best way to describe it.
I swear with every being in me, i went along with it.... acting as if i was an emotional wreck... because i wanted to 'study' this narc. Watching him, listening to him. I was fascinated. Sure, i'm still in 'love' with him, i'm even hoping i'm wrong and it's just a phase on his part.
About three months later, he was having another drama queen moment but this time he was implying that he cheated on me.
I knew it, i knew it, i was ready for this. I remember acting like it about killed me. I was trying so hard to cry... for effects you know. It was emotional but i could not cry. I was making cry faces and pleading to him "why? why (name)? ... blah, blah blah" He says "i see how you look at your neighbor, i see how the guys from your job look at you"... blah blah blah.... Christ. So not true, just the narcissist being a narcissist.
By now, i am relaxing my facial and body expressions. I start to slowly smile, looking right at him. "Your a gotdamn narcissist aren't you? Son of a bitch, i'll be damned, your a gotdamn narcissist" I am really smiling now.
I will NEVER forget the look on his face. He didn't know WHAT to think. Swear, he says "maybe i am"
I say...."well holy shit"
And sure it hurt. We always think well, this is the one. But this time the pain wasn't where i couldn't eat, i couldn't sleep, couldn't concentrate. I thought of him everyday for the next couple of months, but after that... nothing. And THAT is the greatest feeling.
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