Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Use: Veggies On Your Skin?

An article on beauty i read on Aol
There are a bunch of garden-fresh goodies that boost your complexion -- cucumbers on your eyes are just the beginning. "One I really love that I use on my celebrity clients is raw potato, sliced and rubbed under your eyes to help with puffiness, dark circles and inflammation," says Deborah Burnes, CEO and founder of Sumbody and author of "Look Great, Live Green." Burnes recommends leaving the slice on for five minutes, then swapping out for a new piece.

"Another great old adage is cabbage water -- our grandmothers never threw out leftover water when they boiled cabbage, and it works well if you store it in a spray bottle in the fridge and use it as a toner," she says. Burnes also suggests trying the water from cooking kale, spinach or broccoli (even though we don't often boil veggies anymore!).
                                                                End of Article

Here's some beauty advice from me. First, take that cucumber or any other fruit or vegetable OFF your face   .... PUT it in your mouth!!! And EAT it!!!

Yes, for crying out loud.....EAT your fruit and vegetables. Get those raw fruits and raw vegetables INTO your body. Does WONDERS for your skin and overall health. Imagine that.

Good Grief... smearing this, smearing that .... laying there all uncomfortable .... waiting for cucumber juice to get under your skin...... EAT IT!!!!

..... But don't eat (a lot)  potatoes..... so fattening.

LMAO. Spraying cabbage water? all over you?? ....... Here's a novel concept.... ready?....  EAT IT!!!!  Eat it!... and your done!  It doesn't get more healthier than that!!

Spray water on yourself ....that you use from boiling kale (wth is that anyways?), spinach and broccoli? Omg.....  EAT IT!!!

So my advice basically is... use your favorite moisturizer, EAT a couple of your favorite fruit or vegetable.... have a glass of water...... do this everyday and after a week or two you will look marvelous and feel great!!

*Sigh*....PwoodeeCoo has spoken.

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