And sometimes i get pretty freakin scared... watching these shows. But it's okay... i say to myself. You never read in the newspaper about any one getting murdered by a ghost. But what about the people who suffer a heart attack and die? Did they see a ghost? And didn't live to say?
Ooh scary. But i do believe in ghosts, and i did believe in a lot of these stories... until......
Well, the stories were/are typical ghost stories....at night, asleep. Waking up and seeing an apparition, or sensing... something. Hearing... something... or someone.
I DO believe. Years ago... well, someday, i will blog about that... but.... NOW there are stories, on these shows about ghosts getiing ON TOP of you...in the middle of the night.... in bed... and SHAKING you!
Dramatizing! Sensationalizing!
Again... i love watching these shows. And they were fine the way they were. But they HAD to go into complete idiocy and make me wonder which stories are true and which stories are....
Just like that movie The Blair Witch Project back in 1999? My family, friends and I were watching it on VHS one night... i never heard of it and they were telling me it's a true story. I believed it... watching it... i was scared out of my pants! Until towards the end of the movie... i realized....
That's just bullshit... can't be real! I actually burst out "Bullshit!! Can't be real!!" And they all burst out laughing! I was sooo relieved, but felt like a ding-a-ling. If the end of that movie wasn't so over the top... i would of believed it.
The Queen Mary Episode is bogus. Not even on the ship. Pool area looks nothing like the real thing and there is no water in it! You can't get to it through an unsecured door. Hallways are from some hotel-what's with that! If you've seen the real pool area it is very spooky looking and I wouldn't want to go down there alone. What I'm saying is why not use real footage of the areas on board the ship they look spooky as is!