Monday, March 25, 2013
Sex Problem??
Bleh.... saw this article the other day. See these articles here and there for years. Sex problem. It's a problem because we... women or men sometimes don't feel like having sex.... for Chrissake.
It's fuckin articles like this that get the boyfriend... or girlfriend to throw the 'it's your fault I cheated" in your face. Because you don't feel like having sex everyday or every two days... there is something wrong with you?? You have a problem? Those narcissists see articles like this and have a field day with you.
Unless you feel it could be a medical issue, you should have it checked out.... but the majority of the reason is simply.... because I don't want to!!!
Sometimes... lots of times... sex period! could be the problem! Damn. "Many females suffer from low sex drive" Son-of-a-bitch if I only suffered from low sex drive in my...days... i wouldn't have gotten in so much trouble, caused so much stress and pain onto myself and others.
I'm at the time in my life where I simply... don't want to! And I have never been more Happier in my life!! Maybe i should go to the Doctor and find out what is wrong with me???
Low sex drive. Problem. My ass (no pun intended).
Boyfriend/girlfriend. Partners. Married. Someone... in the relationship is going to hurt the other person because of ... sex. Look at that television show Love Scorned... or something like that. Read the newspaper.... watch the news. Sex. Yeah, your sex drive is low.... go fix it and increase your chances of getting herpes std cooties.
Look at the picture at the top of the page. The model is portraying a woman... so sad... laying on her bed...hand on forehead, frustrated that she is not horny. Probably worried her boyfriend/husband or partner is out looking for someone who is horny. Oh boo-hoo. If that is the case, kick the piece of shit out! Get up. Don't lay there feeling... sad. Get a hobby, read a book, a book about relationships even... or better a book on mental cases like the one you just kicked out!
Get a job, money is good. A second job, more money is better! Spend that money on you! Don't get depressed over a piece of shit cheater. You could give it all the sex it demands of you and it will still cheat anyways.
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ReplyDeletemore. his cell phone number 5182932141 !
Oh my God.... stop junking up my comments section. Spiritual healing?? Voodoo?? OMG...