Facebook friends. My young facebook friends...one for example, that I knew as she was a little little girl that had...as she got older, ran off with her boyfriend.. And at twenty-four years old, has three very young children.
Anyways, she was always posting 'I'm bored' ... and sometimes adding '(child) is playing Mario' or '(child) is doing homework' or '(children) outside playing'....."(boyfriend) at work, nothing to do" WHAT?? I would just stare at ... those... posts. Pissed. Shaking my head.
Ok.... Having ONE child at HER age... There was ALWAYS something to COOK. There was ALWAYS something to CLEAN. There was ALWAYS laundry. ALWAYS something to prepare for SCHOOL. And on TOP of ALL that...... working 40, 50 hours a week??!!
Yes, I had a baby at a very young age. I had NO business having a child at that age.... BUT I DID DO THESE HOUSEHOLD CHORES!!!! And work!! And now that I'm thinking about it... the FREELOADER POS I was with at the time was ALWAYS cheating on me, spending the money I earned....because I was ALWAYS too tired to do anything else!!! At 26 years old!!
None of my business, wanting SO bad to comment on her frequent 'bored status' ... for weeks and weeks. Lo and behold, lmao.... someone beat me to it. One of her friends... posted... "There's always something to do if you have three children"... something like that..... Reading this post... posted minutes earlier...I had to think for a moment if I didn't temporarily black out and post this myself! I started to notice as time went on, I haven't seen her on Facebook in a long time. Evidently deleted her account.
NO reason you're a mother or father of young children and posting BORED in the middle of day... on Facebook. Shame on you. Lazy. Idiot.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Bruce Jenner, His Hands Look Beautiful
Another story I'm hearing about. Most recently, Bruce Jenner... his nails. Comments on the internet are so horrible. I hope I live long enough where... none of this matters. I work at a popular coffee shop. I see all kinds, types... variety of people. People. 'Bruce Jenner" regular customers come in from time to time. I always tell them how fantastic they look. Pleasant, normal people. Much more normal than those regulars that sit there all day pestering me.
And they do... sometimes have a comment about my 'Bruce Jenner' customer after he leaves. Literally, I laugh and say "who is he hurting?"... giving a confused look. The regular turns it"s head sideways.... pissed off, you see... for me asking. Mumbles... "it's not normal"
Normal. LMAO! You sit there, day in, day out, everyday for years... narcissist-ing me. Normal? Laugh. My. Ass. Off! It... takes.. EVERYTHING... I have... not to tell it this.
I feel so bad for good men, who aren't hurting anybody. Productive members of society. Gay, bi-sexual, transgender, or straight! If you can afford to professionally paint your nails and you want to professionally paint your nails... professionally paint your nails!! Why should that even be a subject??!! Bruce Jenners fingers and hands look very beautiful!
And they do... sometimes have a comment about my 'Bruce Jenner' customer after he leaves. Literally, I laugh and say "who is he hurting?"... giving a confused look. The regular turns it"s head sideways.... pissed off, you see... for me asking. Mumbles... "it's not normal"
Normal. LMAO! You sit there, day in, day out, everyday for years... narcissist-ing me. Normal? Laugh. My. Ass. Off! It... takes.. EVERYTHING... I have... not to tell it this.
I feel so bad for good men, who aren't hurting anybody. Productive members of society. Gay, bi-sexual, transgender, or straight! If you can afford to professionally paint your nails and you want to professionally paint your nails... professionally paint your nails!! Why should that even be a subject??!! Bruce Jenners fingers and hands look very beautiful!
Mama June and Millions of Others
Never watched the show, certainly heard of it. And certainly hearing all about it on my favorite talk shows on my day off today. *Sigh*.....
Please keep in mind, I have never...knowingly, God help me, been in a relationship, or dated someone like Mama June is accused of seeing. But I have been with some serious LOSERS. Blinded by what I thought was.. love. Sometimes I think back, and cry.... not because of what I was put thru. Not at all. But because of what I put my family thru... with the garbage I was involved with. Sometimes at night, in bed, thinking about those monsters.... I blurt out loud to myself, "Stupid, idiot...idiot!" Even challenging God... wiping away tears, "WHY did you make me so STUPID back then?"
What makes us so stupid... attracted to bad, useless, even dangerous people? Few years ago I came upon a website explaining this. Someone was explaining this. Something happens to our brains... this person on this website was explaining it so detailed, Sobbing, I was mesmerized reading it. And you know... with all the CRAP I have SAVED on my computer... I never saved this article, and to this day I cannot find it.
Mama June, along with MILLIONS of others... with children, is completely under satans spell... and this motherfucker (satan) is not going to let her, and the millions of others go.... until the destruction is to it's satisfaction. Heartbreaking. Disgusting.
So many women, men too... when they 'get' attracted to a bad, useless, even dangerous ... person. Something.... goes so wrong in our heads, our brains. Our thinking is beyond impaired. We are there, we are MENTAL. Not knowing we are mental in the head, we think YOU, the one who sees it crystal clear ... is mental. And we DON'T CARE what... you say. I LOVE this man. There is no hell... the very depth of hell, going to keep me from being with... him. I will run over ANYONE, like a freight train... if you try keep me from him. I LOVE HIM and HE LOVES ME!!!
What makes us so stupid... attracted to bad, useless, even dangerous people? Few years ago I came upon a website explaining this. Someone was explaining this. Something happens to our brains... this person on this website was explaining it so detailed, Sobbing, I was mesmerized reading it. And you know... with all the CRAP I have SAVED on my computer... I never saved this article, and to this day I cannot find it.
Mama June, along with MILLIONS of others... with children, is completely under satans spell... and this motherfucker (satan) is not going to let her, and the millions of others go.... until the destruction is to it's satisfaction. Heartbreaking. Disgusting.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
What's going on?... with this ebola?
The things I'm reading about online and watching the tv news. I'm scared. Working so many hours, I don't get to see or read the news ... a lot. But I'm off today... and yesterday. And I'm scared. What's this shit I'm reading about an IDIOT who treated a patient with ebola and... flew... somewhere?????
You know... my blog was created for me to vent... about my experiences at work. I am anonymous ... I don't name names of idiots... that bring my blood pressure sky high. But this IDIOT... who flew.. somewhere. And the original ASSHOLE... who started this... in Dallas, Texas.... not too far from where I am.... is beyond words. IDIOTS and STUPID... ASSHOLES. Epitome of self entitled..
Like when it's storming, roads are flooding... the news tells you.. if you don't need to go out... don't. But the SELF ENTITLED ASSHOLE is like... "Tell me I can't go outside?" And out they go!! These people are SICK!! There's something so wrong in their heads! Like this nurse. OMG... YOU ASSHOLE!!!
I fly out of state every several months to visit Family. I was just there a month and a half ago. IF I had a ticket, to fly today... I would CANCEL it. BECAUSE of what is going on. I would STAY out of THEIR way.... until THIS scary killer is UNDER CONTROL!!! COMMON SENSE!!!!
LET THEM WORK ON CONTAINING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know... my blog was created for me to vent... about my experiences at work. I am anonymous ... I don't name names of idiots... that bring my blood pressure sky high. But this IDIOT... who flew.. somewhere. And the original ASSHOLE... who started this... in Dallas, Texas.... not too far from where I am.... is beyond words. IDIOTS and STUPID... ASSHOLES. Epitome of self entitled..
Like when it's storming, roads are flooding... the news tells you.. if you don't need to go out... don't. But the SELF ENTITLED ASSHOLE is like... "Tell me I can't go outside?" And out they go!! These people are SICK!! There's something so wrong in their heads! Like this nurse. OMG... YOU ASSHOLE!!!
I fly out of state every several months to visit Family. I was just there a month and a half ago. IF I had a ticket, to fly today... I would CANCEL it. BECAUSE of what is going on. I would STAY out of THEIR way.... until THIS scary killer is UNDER CONTROL!!! COMMON SENSE!!!!
LET THEM WORK ON CONTAINING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
First Sign of Idiocy in a Relationship
No offense Dr. Fillmore.... Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit!!!! Happier? Your Spouse cheats on you numerous times... or once. How do you look him/her in the face.... while your working it out? What do you see... you see a cheater! How do you feel? Happy? No, you feel ... sick! Always... every time you see their stupid stinkin face... you feel sick! Aside from that.... it's 100% guaranteed... he/she... will do it again. That's a fuckin fact, proven time and time again.
You have a bully, bossy spouse... most likely a cheater too..... watching your every move? Your working on that? The bully-ing and bossy-ing has been going on for so long. So it's in remission. You're going to be on eggshells till it comes back? And it will!! A narcissist doesn't change. Everybody knows that! Ok, he/she is cured. Your thoughts of being bullied and bossied from this person years ago .... is a happy thought?
You have a spouse that can't keep a fuckin dollar in the bank. Obsessive spending, gambling, whatever. You work hard, or you both work hard... but can't keep a savings account. You're working on that? A spendaholic NEVER changes. Fact.
Don't even get me started on a drug addict and/or alcoholic. You're working on that? Keep dreaming the delusional dream. They DO NOT change. How HORRIFIC to KNOW someone like this, let alone be in a relationship with this.
Physical abuse? In the name of GOD.... don't even try to work this out...Run like a motherfucker... run!!!
My advice is, any sign of idiocy... run! Run so fast. Any sign of idiocy...it's who they are. That's who they truly are. WORK on taking care of you and your children. God, or whatever higher power... the children, innocent children... who have to see the horror, because of the supposedly good delusional idiot who believes a dangerous idiot can change.
You have a bully, bossy spouse... most likely a cheater too..... watching your every move? Your working on that? The bully-ing and bossy-ing has been going on for so long. So it's in remission. You're going to be on eggshells till it comes back? And it will!! A narcissist doesn't change. Everybody knows that! Ok, he/she is cured. Your thoughts of being bullied and bossied from this person years ago .... is a happy thought?
You have a spouse that can't keep a fuckin dollar in the bank. Obsessive spending, gambling, whatever. You work hard, or you both work hard... but can't keep a savings account. You're working on that? A spendaholic NEVER changes. Fact.
Don't even get me started on a drug addict and/or alcoholic. You're working on that? Keep dreaming the delusional dream. They DO NOT change. How HORRIFIC to KNOW someone like this, let alone be in a relationship with this.
Physical abuse? In the name of GOD.... don't even try to work this out...Run like a motherfucker... run!!!
My advice is, any sign of idiocy... run! Run so fast. Any sign of idiocy...it's who they are. That's who they truly are. WORK on taking care of you and your children. God, or whatever higher power... the children, innocent children... who have to see the horror, because of the supposedly good delusional idiot who believes a dangerous idiot can change.
Ah, Sweet Married Life.
Working in the Coffee Shop, is like bartending...and I have done that. People tell you stories. Take for example, the elderly.... who have been married for years. Shit, some for 30, ...60 years! Wow... imagine... so lucky in love.
Lucky... yeah, ok. You should hear the shit they've been thru in those years. I have been single all my life. Been in a few serious relationships, in between... dated. I could of married and endured any one of those... serious relationships of mine. One in particular, we'd be celebrating our 30 years married.
But, I decided to put an end to the lying and the cheating. The mental abuse, walking on eggshells. You can look with admiration at a couple who tell you, "we've been married so and so years..." get one of them alone. Jaw dropping.... what one or the other put up with.
There may be... may be... couples who have been happily married, for many years. But I don't know, or have heard of one yet... and my ass is up in years mind you.
Couples fight... they fight hard. One or the other put up with A LOT OF SHIT. It drains you to the core.
God... the stories I've heard of thru-out the years...seen, even...and my own experiences. You grow terrified... paranoid. Don't want any part of it... anymore. Myself... at this point in my life... I have NEVER been more HAPPY... more RELAXED... so CONTENT...in my life.
Me...nowadays --->
Me.... nightmare years --->
Lucky... yeah, ok. You should hear the shit they've been thru in those years. I have been single all my life. Been in a few serious relationships, in between... dated. I could of married and endured any one of those... serious relationships of mine. One in particular, we'd be celebrating our 30 years married.
But, I decided to put an end to the lying and the cheating. The mental abuse, walking on eggshells. You can look with admiration at a couple who tell you, "we've been married so and so years..." get one of them alone. Jaw dropping.... what one or the other put up with.
There may be... may be... couples who have been happily married, for many years. But I don't know, or have heard of one yet... and my ass is up in years mind you.
Couples fight... they fight hard. One or the other put up with A LOT OF SHIT. It drains you to the core.
God... the stories I've heard of thru-out the years...seen, even...and my own experiences. You grow terrified... paranoid. Don't want any part of it... anymore. Myself... at this point in my life... I have NEVER been more HAPPY... more RELAXED... so CONTENT...in my life.
Me...nowadays --->
Me.... nightmare years --->
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Get Rid of Her!
Guys... guys, or girls!.... please... get rid of this. In the name of God... get rid of this. This is a playing, nasty motherfucker who will drain you of every penny you have. Get rid of it!!!! And don't cry over it!!!!! Don't... you... dare, cry over it!!! .....
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
My Twin Tail Halfmoon Betta Part 3
Finally, after the first two Betta's, I had to get one for myself, one that caught my eye. They all catch my eye, just sitting there at the bottom of those little... cups. Poor things. But I picked out one. Moon Pie.
He's the fussy eater. He will only eat Betta flakes. Once in a while he will go for chicken, shrimp, Betta pellets. Sometimes bread... hates scrambled eggs.
I've tried different aquariums and tanks with him.... he's happy in any one of them. But he seems to be happiest in a two and half gallon tank, with lots of decorations. He's real active. And he's the smallest from the other three. I'm really enjoying the fish. It's been a year and a-half. It's fascinating to know them. Three fish... three different personalities. Their likes, and don't likes.... just like people.
He's the fussy eater. He will only eat Betta flakes. Once in a while he will go for chicken, shrimp, Betta pellets. Sometimes bread... hates scrambled eggs.
I've tried different aquariums and tanks with him.... he's happy in any one of them. But he seems to be happiest in a two and half gallon tank, with lots of decorations. He's real active. And he's the smallest from the other three. I'm really enjoying the fish. It's been a year and a-half. It's fascinating to know them. Three fish... three different personalities. Their likes, and don't likes.... just like people.
My Dragon Scale Crown Tail Betta Part 2
After a couple of weeks enjoying Blue Betta, I asked my adult Daughter to pick out a Betta at the Pet Shop. She picked out this one, and I have him at my home, too. Ooh, he's scary looking. She named him Marilyn. As in Marilyn Manson. Hey,..... in my day, it was Angus Young (AC/DC). I assure you, Marilyn and Angus are not the devil. They are a couple of millionaires.
Marilyn likes to hide. He's pretty happy in any aquarium or tank, but I've yet to put him in one that I'm confident he feels really good in. This picture shows him in his temporary (not quite) gallon glass vase.
I feed him everything I feed Blue. Marilyn seems to like it all too.... but doesn't hardly eat the amounts Blue does. I 'drop' food, two, three times and he's done. I have him in a five gallon hexagon plastic tank. I tell you.... he LOVES that tree. I'm not sure about the tank or Castle (tried so many decorations) but he loves that tree... because he loves to not only 'perch'... he loves to hide.
Marilyn likes to hide. He's pretty happy in any aquarium or tank, but I've yet to put him in one that I'm confident he feels really good in. This picture shows him in his temporary (not quite) gallon glass vase.
I feed him everything I feed Blue. Marilyn seems to like it all too.... but doesn't hardly eat the amounts Blue does. I 'drop' food, two, three times and he's done. I have him in a five gallon hexagon plastic tank. I tell you.... he LOVES that tree. I'm not sure about the tank or Castle (tried so many decorations) but he loves that tree... because he loves to not only 'perch'... he loves to hide.
My Betta Splenden Part 1
About a year a half ago, got me a Betta Fish. Well, my Grandaughter did, and I'm taking care of him, in my home. I was reluctant to get him... we were in PetsMart... and... you know... Grandaughter... can't say no.
But anyways, so glad we got him. He's so much fun and it's super relaxing to play and take care of him. After being at work all day.. it's calming.
And since it's a child picking out a blue fish... she named him Blue. How cute. Here is some info on Blue.
He loves to eat ANYTHING. Off the top of my head, chicken, shrimp, bread, scrambled eggs...betta pellets, and betta flakes. He will eat, if I keep 'dropping' ... I use common sense between his food items, when to stop. This was a learning process.
I've put him in all kinds of aquariums and his favorite is a tall glass vase. He also likes his temporary (not quite) gallon glass vase, which he stays in for 24 hours during 100% water changes every few days. He hated the five gallon Hexagon plastic tank he stayed in.... seemed sluggish. Whereas, he seems more playful in the two and a-half gallon tank... more so in ... the tall glass vase.
He hates getting his picture taken. Close up. He jerks back and forth so fast in terror, so this is the only good picture I have of him. After two, three times of trying, I leave it alone.
Here's a picture of him in that tall glass vase he seems to love so much.
But anyways, so glad we got him. He's so much fun and it's super relaxing to play and take care of him. After being at work all day.. it's calming.
And since it's a child picking out a blue fish... she named him Blue. How cute. Here is some info on Blue.
He loves to eat ANYTHING. Off the top of my head, chicken, shrimp, bread, scrambled eggs...betta pellets, and betta flakes. He will eat, if I keep 'dropping' ... I use common sense between his food items, when to stop. This was a learning process.
I've put him in all kinds of aquariums and his favorite is a tall glass vase. He also likes his temporary (not quite) gallon glass vase, which he stays in for 24 hours during 100% water changes every few days. He hated the five gallon Hexagon plastic tank he stayed in.... seemed sluggish. Whereas, he seems more playful in the two and a-half gallon tank... more so in ... the tall glass vase.
He hates getting his picture taken. Close up. He jerks back and forth so fast in terror, so this is the only good picture I have of him. After two, three times of trying, I leave it alone.
Here's a picture of him in that tall glass vase he seems to love so much.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Those Free Puppies/Kittens Ads...
FREE puppies! blah blah blah. FREE kittens! blah blah blah.
..... for Chrissake get your pets spayed or neutered. Or don't have pets. These kind of ads should never be placed.... EVER. Pisses me off to no end.
..... for Chrissake get your pets spayed or neutered. Or don't have pets. These kind of ads should never be placed.... EVER. Pisses me off to no end.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Menopause - Ultimate Narcissist
Ultimate Narcissist. Menopause. The HOT FLASHES!! This is the ultimate MONSTER. I've been suffering for almost ten years now. I HAVE NOT seen a doctor for this. I have been enduring AND dealing with it for almost ten years now. There is NOTHING to relieve it. So I've heard.
I know MANY women who go thru it and tried EVERYTHING for it. NOTHING helps.
ONE WOMAN: Had uterus removed and had/has have to go back to Doctor because of more problems stemming from that surgery! But says her hot flashes had subsided. BUT if you're familiar with hot flashes... some months, years... are better than others!!
ANOTHER WOMAN: Had uterus removed and hot flashes are worse than ever!
So.... would I take a gamble and have this procedure done??? HELL NOOO!!!
I know MANY woman who buy these over-the counter relief from menopause products. They DON'T work. I know MANY woman who have a prescription... for hot flashes... and they STILL have hot flashes!
Just when we women reach that age where we get rid of the human narcissist in our lives... this fucker comes... that we can't get rid of!!!! My God!!!
So.. if you're buying those over-the-counter medications. Or have a prescription... for this monster.. I don't think it's working.
Being completely... medicine-free from this over the years.. I HAVE noticed... that some months are better than others... some years... have been better than others.
ONE YEAR: For about six months. I could NOT sleep for more than a half-hour at night. Woke up SWEATING profusely...AND I was SO thirsty for a glass of milk... every half-hour.
ONE YEAR: For about six months. I could tell when a hot flash was fixin' to come. I would get this sensation... if you've ever been on a roller coaster... that feeling where you're stomach drops.... when you're going doooownnnn... the roller coaster. Hot flash... seconds later... big time. I remember thinking... "oh thank-you motherfucker, for giving me the heads-up" Drinking lots of water. Preparing for the hell.
I remember another year, for several months. They didn't come as often... but DAMN... day or night... the SWEAT pouring off me.... every twelve hours or so. Happened several times at work... over the months. My boss at work, one time.... took me by the hand... super busy hour... "Oh my God... are you ok?" She looked SO concerned. I apologized... customers glaring at me... sweat POURING off me. I'm kinda laughing, so she (boss) starts laughing... saying "OMG, omg"... lol.
I remembered when THAT phase subsided. Thank God! Nowadays I get them three, four, maybe five times a day... for now. Not too bad. And they are uncomfortable... but I have learned to 'go thru' them. Or maybe just 'surrendered' to this monster... and wait it out.
I know MANY women who go thru it and tried EVERYTHING for it. NOTHING helps.
ONE WOMAN: Had uterus removed and had/has have to go back to Doctor because of more problems stemming from that surgery! But says her hot flashes had subsided. BUT if you're familiar with hot flashes... some months, years... are better than others!!
ANOTHER WOMAN: Had uterus removed and hot flashes are worse than ever!
So.... would I take a gamble and have this procedure done??? HELL NOOO!!!
I know MANY woman who buy these over-the counter relief from menopause products. They DON'T work. I know MANY woman who have a prescription... for hot flashes... and they STILL have hot flashes!
Just when we women reach that age where we get rid of the human narcissist in our lives... this fucker comes... that we can't get rid of!!!! My God!!!
So.. if you're buying those over-the-counter medications. Or have a prescription... for this monster.. I don't think it's working.
Being completely... medicine-free from this over the years.. I HAVE noticed... that some months are better than others... some years... have been better than others.
ONE YEAR: For about six months. I could NOT sleep for more than a half-hour at night. Woke up SWEATING profusely...AND I was SO thirsty for a glass of milk... every half-hour.
ONE YEAR: For about six months. I could tell when a hot flash was fixin' to come. I would get this sensation... if you've ever been on a roller coaster... that feeling where you're stomach drops.... when you're going doooownnnn... the roller coaster. Hot flash... seconds later... big time. I remember thinking... "oh thank-you motherfucker, for giving me the heads-up" Drinking lots of water. Preparing for the hell.
I remember another year, for several months. They didn't come as often... but DAMN... day or night... the SWEAT pouring off me.... every twelve hours or so. Happened several times at work... over the months. My boss at work, one time.... took me by the hand... super busy hour... "Oh my God... are you ok?" She looked SO concerned. I apologized... customers glaring at me... sweat POURING off me. I'm kinda laughing, so she (boss) starts laughing... saying "OMG, omg"... lol.
I remembered when THAT phase subsided. Thank God! Nowadays I get them three, four, maybe five times a day... for now. Not too bad. And they are uncomfortable... but I have learned to 'go thru' them. Or maybe just 'surrendered' to this monster... and wait it out.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Dennis the Menace Episode Proves Me Right!
This scene from Dennis the Menace. episode Christmas Horse from 1960, proves me right!!! Regulars.... most regulars... many regulars think they're entitled to special service... special treatment...and special prices. In this day and age with the over-population and self-centeredness... you've GOT to be kidding.
Mr. McGuire: You've become one of my regulars. (five years)
Mr. Wilson... making conversation, hinting, leading up to a free or discounted special price....
Mr. McGuire... giving him the I know what you're trying to do look. "You hope to get another tree for .50cents?"
Mr. Wilson: (lmao) "Well of course"
Mr. McGuire: The price to you is $5.00
Mr. Wilson: I've always paid .50 cents...I've become a regular.
Mr McGuire: That's why I've had to keep my price up on Christmas Day... I can't afford all you regulars.
Mr. McGuire, feeling bad (a regulars intentions) "Well, I'll throw in a few sprigs and a mistletoe"
Mr. Wilson: (classic, lmao) "Well I should hope so, that's the least you could do. Next year I may give my business to someone else" ..... Imagine Mr. McGuires relief. Sweet release from this stress causing, nervey, audacity.... soul torturer.
Thank-you Mr. Joseph Kearns (Mr. Wilson) and Thank-you Mr. Ernest Truex (Mr. McGuire) for this scene. Very well played!
And credit as well to writers William Cowley and Peggy Chantler Dick. I always wondered if this kind of idiocy went that far back... 1960.. at least.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Fleas. Monsters from Hell.
Fleas. What mother... fuckin.... monsters from hell... on this earth.... to our pets, and any other animal. I've come across some websites this summer....just browsing... about fleas. I've been giving my two small dogs flea medicine all these years. And they work GREAT! All of them.
But..... at the beginning of this summer, I have been online, on websites, seeing all natural sprays and organic all natural conditioners.... for dogs... that kill and repel... fleas. I'm thinking, wow. KILL and REPEL? ALL NATURAL? The reviews are GREAT! I'd like to try this! ... So I order just those. All natural spray and organic all natural conditioner. That KILL and REPEL these monsters from hell. This will be a great alternative to those drops that go on the back of their necks and those pills that they ingest.
WRONG!!!! After spraying and conditioning my poor pets with this stuff for TWO weeks... it's not working. I'm thinking.... SHIT! My poor dogs!!! Maybe it's not a good brand. I ORDER another kind of brand... THE REVIEWS ARE GREAT!!
WRONG!!!! Another TWO weeks of agony for my dogs. The FUCK!!!!! I'm PISSED. I'm SOOO PISSED!!! First... MY POOR DOGS... second... ALL THAT FUCKIN MONEY... on CRAP!!!! I could of just took that $150 and flushed it in the toilet!!!!!
Look, here's a picture of the devil. Nasty motherfucker. I wanna vomit.
You know what's funny as hell... in the middle of my pets ordeal with this all natural crap is that a take-out customer and myself were talking about that (he brought it up) and was telling me he ordered the same stuff... and called it garbage. I about fell over . I told him I ordered it too! And it doesn't work! Oh, he was pissed too. Lemongrass this... kills and repels up to four weeks that.
IN MY OPINION... Flea medicine ALWAYS worked. For my dogs. I literally CRIED when I FINALLY applied it to them and they STOPPED scratching, and gnawing. After a fucking month and a week!! I could SEE their RELIEF. I feel like an IDIOT for falling for that BULLSHIT. NEVER. AGAIN.
You see.... even PwoodeeCoo can be an idiot. A BIG IDIOT.
But..... at the beginning of this summer, I have been online, on websites, seeing all natural sprays and organic all natural conditioners.... for dogs... that kill and repel... fleas. I'm thinking, wow. KILL and REPEL? ALL NATURAL? The reviews are GREAT! I'd like to try this! ... So I order just those. All natural spray and organic all natural conditioner. That KILL and REPEL these monsters from hell. This will be a great alternative to those drops that go on the back of their necks and those pills that they ingest.
WRONG!!!! After spraying and conditioning my poor pets with this stuff for TWO weeks... it's not working. I'm thinking.... SHIT! My poor dogs!!! Maybe it's not a good brand. I ORDER another kind of brand... THE REVIEWS ARE GREAT!!
WRONG!!!! Another TWO weeks of agony for my dogs. The FUCK!!!!! I'm PISSED. I'm SOOO PISSED!!! First... MY POOR DOGS... second... ALL THAT FUCKIN MONEY... on CRAP!!!! I could of just took that $150 and flushed it in the toilet!!!!!
Look, here's a picture of the devil. Nasty motherfucker. I wanna vomit.
You know what's funny as hell... in the middle of my pets ordeal with this all natural crap is that a take-out customer and myself were talking about that (he brought it up) and was telling me he ordered the same stuff... and called it garbage. I about fell over . I told him I ordered it too! And it doesn't work! Oh, he was pissed too. Lemongrass this... kills and repels up to four weeks that.
IN MY OPINION... Flea medicine ALWAYS worked. For my dogs. I literally CRIED when I FINALLY applied it to them and they STOPPED scratching, and gnawing. After a fucking month and a week!! I could SEE their RELIEF. I feel like an IDIOT for falling for that BULLSHIT. NEVER. AGAIN.
You see.... even PwoodeeCoo can be an idiot. A BIG IDIOT.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Sons Of Sylvia Ashley Clark
Having the day off, morning coffee, relaxing... Reading the AOL news... I come across this story. Of course, this picture catches my eye. I'm looking and looking...bet your ass I'm looking and looking. 'Hey, he looks familiar. That's Ashley Clark from Sons of Sylvia. Wow, I was a big fan when I first saw them on American Idol few years ago... what the heck are they up to?....' I tear my eyes away from the picture, lol, to read the story. Zac Efron?... I'm trying to remember the last time I've heard ... or saw a picture of Zac Efron.. it wasn't like this..... wow, Zac.
This is the last time I saw Ashley Clark......
...... Ok, done a little googling... I see. Ashley and his brother's went their separate ways. What a shame. I loved Love Left to Lose and I'll Know You. Ashley shouldn't be in the background of anything. Has the talent, voice and the look.
...... Ok, done a little googling... I see. Ashley and his brother's went their separate ways. What a shame. I loved Love Left to Lose and I'll Know You. Ashley shouldn't be in the background of anything. Has the talent, voice and the look.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Ever notice on the street, sidewalk, or parking lot... a q-tip... laying there, on the ground?
Do you wonder what nasty pig picked their ear and then threw it on the ground?... for you to look at?

I do... and I hope they find one just as nasty in their meal one day, maybe even take a bite of it before they realize what it is.
You GOT to have mental issues to be scraping the inside of your ear in public with a q-tip... and then throw it.. simply on the ground. Nasty. Just as nasty as the fucks who spit their loogies....on the ground. Get a tissue. pigs.
Do you wonder what nasty pig picked their ear and then threw it on the ground?... for you to look at?
I do... and I hope they find one just as nasty in their meal one day, maybe even take a bite of it before they realize what it is.
You GOT to have mental issues to be scraping the inside of your ear in public with a q-tip... and then throw it.. simply on the ground. Nasty. Just as nasty as the fucks who spit their loogies....on the ground. Get a tissue. pigs.
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