Saturday, June 28, 2014


 Ever notice on the street, sidewalk, or parking lot... a q-tip... laying there, on the ground?

Do you wonder what nasty pig picked their ear and then threw it on the ground?... for you to look at?

I do... and I hope they find one just as nasty in their meal one day, maybe even take a bite of it before they realize what it is.

You GOT to have mental issues to be scraping the inside of your ear in public with a q-tip... and then throw it.. simply on the ground. Nasty. Just as nasty as the fucks who spit their loogies....on the ground. Get a tissue. pigs.


  1. My pet peeve is people clipping their nails on the bus.

    I swear on my life this happens. In Toronto. I want to say something, but 10 years ago a guy asked some kids to turn down their music on the bus and they shot him 2 times.

    Clipping one's nails on the bus disgusts me. But not enough to take a bullet.


  2. Oh not long ago, we had a regular, homeowner, beautiful pension... clipping his toenails outside on our patio at the Coffee Shop. The owner went outside screaming "Are you crazy?!" LOL

    I always wonder lately, now that I'm getting (a little) brave enough to 'fight' back at my koo-koo regulars.... do any of them own a gun. Because when you have that strong sense of playing loud music on a bus.... they will try to kill you... when you call them out on it.

    I guarantee... any one of the regulars would 'go nuts' before being told... not to come in the Coffee Shop anymore.
