Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Checking e-mail, got the popular More People of Walmart. Now they're all funny, we might even go ewww.... but this is beyond ewww. This is beyond stupid, beyond idiocy. This is a vile, sick, nasty vermin. 

Why wasn't there an after picture... of her being arrested? Not only is she showing her ass, she is digging in it!! Where food is sold!! She touches anything and someone else does too?!  A child can touch it, then put it's fingers in it's mouth?! WHERE IS THE AFTER PICTURE OF HER BEING ARRESTED????

I don't even do that at home!!!!  My ass is clean. And it's REAL simple! SOAP!! If her problem is beyond that, welfare would be happy to pay for a simple check-up and medication because she is obviously disabled in her head!! LOOK AT HER!!!
Grounds for institutionalization! Picture... proof!!!

I'm not even gonna say pig. I love animals and wouldn't insult a pig by saying that! This nut is disgusting. GAG!!

If i was there and i saw this... i would of asked her out loud "OMG,what are you doing??!!" In my best grossed out look... Everyone would of looked.

Shame on you sicko.

1 comment:

  1. I've clicked on the picture and blown it up 3 times, and still, I don't understand what I'm seeing. I think this is a good thing, I don't feel dumb or anything. I just don't understand it. This photo does not compute.

    This is as foreign as a golden shower or a dirty Sanchez. Although, I do wonder about all the doorhandles, magazines, grocery carts and products she touched before leaving the store.
