Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dumbass Comment

Reading the AOL news tonight. Had to click on this interesting story. Interesting indeed. I am sorry that the secret child had passed. I didn't know she even existed. Sad nonetheless.

                                   Side note:  Damn, Clark Gable was fine as hell.

And i got to reading the forum comments on this story.  Those forums are always fun to read. And i came upon these two... comments.

By the way, i don't want to hear any shit on my "paint" skills. When i  learn how to use it.... i could get  dangerous.

So poster #1 is implying that Miss Young, being 22 years old at that time, was stupid, a dumbass.... and that we all were at that age. I get what she is saying. Most... lots.... of us were stupid at that age. I was. Boy, was i ever. So so many my age i know say they were too.... stupid at 30, .... never mind 22. But there are many 22 year olds with good heads on their shoulders. Good for them!

So we have poster #2 replying .... 22 isn't 18.  You see... being 18 years old ... and being 22 years a HUGE difference.  You see, your not going to do the foolish, dumbass things you did when you were 18... at 22.   22 isn't 18... 4 years....big difference.               MY ASS. Idiot.


Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Idiocy


                               A Complete. Utter. Idiot.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Demi and Ashton - Behind Closed Doors?

And i know better. I know there is always two sides to every story. The big headline in this coming divorce is/was Ashton Caught Cheating. But now... everywhere on the web... it's... more to it.

And i posted the same picture i used in my previous post on Demi and Ashton because, damn... look at her!

She looks pissed. Tired. And i mentioned how she looks like she aged since this Ashton cheating thing started.

So... the more to it. Two sides to every story. Poor Ashton. Maybe Demi is a mental case at home drove/driving Ashton out of his mind. She could be one of those always pissed at something. Maybe all that cellulite popping up all of the sudden around her mouth, out of nowhere... is from many years of being... pissed off... at everything and everyone. I don't know. She's probably exhausted from being so pissed all the time.

Plastic surgery and expensive face creams don't just 'cave in' or 'give in' over night like that. Do they?

Let me end my post by saying Demi is gorgeous and sure, i'd give anything to look like her or any other beautiful female celebrity. But i wouldn't trade my sanity (Yes, i'm sane damnit!!)  for it.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Demi and Ashton Divorce

*sigh* can look and look and look at him Demi till your ass falls off. You will never find the answer.

Unless it's just a bad picture of Demi, you can see that gravity is taking it's toll, around her mouth area. I would totally believe that the stress she is enduring has caused this.

        Look at the look she's giving him. I almost have to laugh. At her age she should have known.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cop Rescues Deer in Shock

Now this is a REAL MAN. 

Drama Queen Idiocy Recognized thru Comic Strip

                                                                     Hi and Lois

Yeah young man. One day your gonna get bored, sick, tired and fed up writing those songs of yours....

Look at the Dad's face... he can't believe what the little idiot just said.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Quick Thinking

I take the bus to work. And boy, do i have some Bus stories. These poor bus drivers, oh what they go thru...  One for now... i am at the bus stop. Sometimes there's a person or two waiting as well. But this particular day, just the other day... there's a lady waiting, in her fifties, more. I have never seen her before.

I was on my cell phone when i was approaching the bus stop. Quick glancing at her, i noticed she is looking dead on at me. Fixing to hang up in a minute, i'm thinking... oh hell no. Why am i having this feeling she is going to walk over here. Still on the phone i am making sure i have about a good twenty feet distance from her... I WANT MY SPACE! 

Okay, i hang up. I'm not looking at her, i'm not looking at her, i'm not looking at her. Purposely looking WAY the other direction. Please don't bother me, please don't bother me, please don't bother me...i'm whispering to myself.

Here she is!  Both of us.... Hello, hello *smiles*  She has a question about the bus route and scheduling. Whew, i think. I am happy to tell her.   And we have a short conversation about the bus route and schedule. 

Okay, listen y'all... listen to what i'm about to say.... The topic on bus is turning into a conversation on her dance classes, what she bought at Walmart last night.... a day she had shopping for shoes about five years ago... etc.

                                             WHERE'S THE DAMN BUS!!!!! 

I'm going to be dealing with this all day at work!!!!  WHY do i have to deal with this now.... on my QUIET TIME??!!!  Why Lord whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Oh Lord Why?


Here comes the bus. Oh no. She's going to sit next to me. Oh hell no. Bus pulls up.  I INSIST...  NO MA'AM... AFTER YOU.  I practically  force her to get on first. Because you see.... wherever she sits.... i will sit very far away from. She sat towards the front. I walked my ass to the very BACK. That was quick thinking on my part. I'm surprised i had any thought ... with my temples pounding as hard as they were.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Celebrity Ghost Stories

  Oh how i love this show on the Biography channel. I watch with amazement. Or any of those other Ghost Story shows, on Biography.

And sometimes i get pretty freakin scared... watching these shows. But it's okay... i say to myself. You never read in the newspaper about any one getting murdered by a ghost. But what about the people who suffer a heart attack and die?  Did they see a ghost? And didn't live to say?

Ooh scary. But i do believe in ghosts, and i did  believe in a lot of these stories... until......

Well, the stories were/are typical ghost night, asleep. Waking up and seeing an apparition, or sensing... something. Hearing... something... or someone.     

I DO believe. Years ago... well, someday, i will blog about that... but.... NOW there are stories, on these shows about ghosts getiing  ON TOP of the middle of the night.... in bed... and SHAKING you!


Dramatizing!  Sensationalizing!

Again... i love watching these shows. And they were fine the way they were. But they HAD to go into complete idiocy and make me wonder which stories are true and which stories are....


Just like that movie The Blair Witch Project back in 1999?  My family, friends and I were watching it on VHS one night... i never heard of it and they were telling me it's a true story. I believed it... watching it... i was scared out of my pants! Until towards the end of the movie... i realized....


That's just bullshit... can't be real! I actually burst out "Bullshit!! Can't be real!!" And they all burst out laughing! I was sooo relieved, but felt like a ding-a-ling. If the end of that movie wasn't so over the top... i would of believed it.

And i better not be woke tonight by some motherfacker ghost SHAKING  me because i blogged this. If i do, y'all be reading about me in the paper about some woman running out of her home screaming her ass off like no other hell has heard!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Kim Kardashian - Divorce, after 72 days

I wish we could of placed bets on this... with real money. I would of lost tho, by two weeks or so.  I said three months, tops.

Reading just a little about it on the internet. And caught a little about it the TV. There seem to be a few reasons why they are divorcing. I heard bad for business?  I heard the marraige was a hoax from the beginning. And somethings... else, i can't remember.

How about... they are a young couple, with a lot of money... they fell in love.... HARD,  someone got bored.... AND IT'S OVER. So simple.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Questionable Scribble on a Starbucks Cup

I have been trying for the past hour to get the video for this story onto my blog page, but it won't let me. It's the story of the day on AOL news... easy to google.

It seems a Starbucks regular customer got some questionable scribble on her Starbucks cup. Everyone knows how i feel about those regulars. But it's the sit-down, hang around all day... regulars.....

I have no problem with the regulars that come in everyday and take their stuff ..... to go. Most of the time. If they piss me off, i'm just happy that they are taking their stuff... to go... and i know i won't have to endure their idiocy for too long.

Starbucks has got to be a chaotic-ly crazy place to work. Imagine rush hour(s).  Sooo many different kinds of coffees... teas... hot and cold. Squirt of this... drizzle of that... oh my God... i don't think i could learn all the different kinds of drinks they have to make. Kudos to them. 

I don't know what happened inside that Starbucks that day of the questionable scribble.... i wasn't there. But i would never have the nerve... or want to.... scribble words on a coffee cup that look like bitch... and hand it to a customer. That takes some balls.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Use: Veggies On Your Skin?

An article on beauty i read on Aol
There are a bunch of garden-fresh goodies that boost your complexion -- cucumbers on your eyes are just the beginning. "One I really love that I use on my celebrity clients is raw potato, sliced and rubbed under your eyes to help with puffiness, dark circles and inflammation," says Deborah Burnes, CEO and founder of Sumbody and author of "Look Great, Live Green." Burnes recommends leaving the slice on for five minutes, then swapping out for a new piece.

"Another great old adage is cabbage water -- our grandmothers never threw out leftover water when they boiled cabbage, and it works well if you store it in a spray bottle in the fridge and use it as a toner," she says. Burnes also suggests trying the water from cooking kale, spinach or broccoli (even though we don't often boil veggies anymore!).
                                                                End of Article

Here's some beauty advice from me. First, take that cucumber or any other fruit or vegetable OFF your face   .... PUT it in your mouth!!! And EAT it!!!

Yes, for crying out loud.....EAT your fruit and vegetables. Get those raw fruits and raw vegetables INTO your body. Does WONDERS for your skin and overall health. Imagine that.

Good Grief... smearing this, smearing that .... laying there all uncomfortable .... waiting for cucumber juice to get under your skin...... EAT IT!!!!

..... But don't eat (a lot)  potatoes..... so fattening.

LMAO. Spraying cabbage water? all over you?? ....... Here's a novel concept.... ready?....  EAT IT!!!!  Eat it!... and your done!  It doesn't get more healthier than that!!

Spray water on yourself ....that you use from boiling kale (wth is that anyways?), spinach and broccoli? Omg.....  EAT IT!!!

So my advice basically is... use your favorite moisturizer, EAT a couple of your favorite fruit or vegetable.... have a glass of water...... do this everyday and after a week or two you will look marvelous and feel great!!

*Sigh*....PwoodeeCoo has spoken.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Two and a Half Men- Ashton Kutcher

Without reading any reviews ... yet, on Two and a Half Men's episode last night, i'm going to say mine.

I was disappointed. I was surprised that the writers made Ashton Kutcher's character.... stupid. Straight out of  That 70's Show. And he was hilarious on that show, but enough.

Why do producers, writers insist on playing this man as stupid. Maybe future episodes will ease up on that shit, but i was very surprised last night. I felt bad for Mr. Kutcher, he wasn't getting the genuine laughs from the audience that Charlie used to get... and  it is not his fault. It's the writers. I hope they give his character as much character as Charlie had and that the rest of the cast already have. And ease up on the not funny stupid.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Milky Way Simply Caramel: Pool

Oh yes! How appetizing! I am going to buy a candy bar i envision having a pube in it! Or pit hair! Or frumunduh cheese. Or whatever kind of dingle-berry.... crud... from a butt crack.  Gross!

Butt hair, leg hair. Dead skin cells. Scabies. Yuck. People... who make a lot of money... all sat around a big table.. and decided... Yes, this is the commercial for our product!

Seriously, how disgusting.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Angry Mother Nature can be a Bitch

I can certainly relate. I lost, completely... my entire house to a hurricane back in '08.  And that headline... "I haven't cried yet..."  Is so true.

I didn't break down until i saw the (not there) house a second time a month later. Walking around my property... other people's things scattered everywhere, someone's kitchen flloor, their sink still attached to some pipes, smack in the middle where my living room... was.

I didn't have anything to go thru. I prepared for the hurricane. Put everything from outside... inside. Even tho the house was on pilings, i put everything inside the house that i could... high up... so the water wouldn't get it. But i didn't believe i would get that much water in my house. The storm surge isn't going to be that bad.

Yeah, i'm probably going to have a mess to clean when i get back (family and i evacuated)... i even mentally told my house... see you in a few days... i looked around while at the door fixin' to lock it up... hoping eveything will be.. okay. And in the middle of the night, in the darkness, with only a small bag of clothes and toiletries, we fled.

Some 400 miles away at a hotel, watching the news a couple of days later, we heard of the destruction.

For a week they wouldn't let us come into town. I was so curious... not worried, because my house has been thru many hurricanes... i was just curious to see what damage i had... and i was anxious to see my things, if they are okay.

I simply refused that fucker of a storm...took my house...and everything in it... completely.

So we (family) look and look around. We pick up anything we could dig with and scour a quarter mile radius. We find some of our clothes in the sludge, rotted, here and there. My brand new washer and dryer, not a year old a block away, badly beaten.

My pictures, my photos, from so many years... gone. I was so wishing to find those, maybe i can salvage a few... no. Looking, digging, crying... please let me find them... they are in a big tupperware box... if i could only find that box.... no.

Neighbors standing, looking in disbelief.    walking around, poking and proding... digging... looking for anything that looks familiar, from their homes. I find a little glass knick-knack thingy... intact.. partly in the sludge. It's not really dirty... i put it on a tree branch laying on the ground. Maybe someone walking by will recognize it as theirs and be happy to see it.

As i walk up a block or so, i can't believe what i see. A little glass jewelry box ( i kept cotton balls in) i had on my dresser in my bedroom... sitting on top of a piling laying on the ground... intact. Someone put it there as i did just a little while ago... with someone else's knick-knack. Bittersweet, i pick it up, tears... i whisper, 'my God, what happened'

To this day i think of that house as almost a person. I cry to the terror it went thru when that fucker hurricane was beating it down and finally the ocean surge finished it off.   

But i am grateful we are alive. We didn't stay for the hurricane, but some did. And only some survived.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm frightened and confused

Lord have mercy. There is no horror movie character that can scare me more than this. Because this is real, this is part of our society. Not just an idiot, but a dangerous one at that.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sugarland - Stay

Oh for the love of....

Crying. Begging. For him to... stay. And a married man at that... the song, heartbreaking beautiful it is.... is about a woman, in love with a married man, begging that married man to... stay... with her.

Not only is he married, he's mentally defective. He has to be to inflict that kind of pain to his wife... and his mistress.  THATS NOT LOVE, IT'S MENTAL SICK!!!

Say it with me people... nnnaaarrrccciiissssiiiisssst... NARCISSIST!!!!

Married or not! Man OR Woman. Don't CRY. Don't BEG ANY asshole-holic narcissist to STAY!!!!!

Lonely??? It's better to be ALONE, not LONELY, than to lay there and CRYYYYY for a chump.

Oh HELL no! I could kick my own STUPID ass for all those times i layed there and cried.. for a chump????

I look back sometimes laughing, shaking my head and saying to myself... idiot. And not really an idiot that i let these narcissists emotionally beat me so bad .... but that i begged them to STAY and keep doing it to me. Some for years. One for 8 years.

The last one, couple years ago, i wasn't looking for it (i was happy with my friend with benefits at the time) but he was so cute and persistent and yeah, i fell hard in love. BUT i was telling myself to watch out. Oh, i acted normal as did he, .... love, you know, everything perfect for the first three months. It feels so real, i was starting to think, well maybe. Then..... something was not right. With a narcissist you can't explain it, but i was feeling really nervous. He was always looking for a fight i guess, is the best way to describe it.

I swear with every being in me, i went along with it.... acting as if i was an emotional wreck... because i wanted to 'study' this narc. Watching him, listening to him. I was fascinated. Sure, i'm still in 'love' with him, i'm even hoping i'm wrong and it's just a phase on his part.

About three months later, he was having another drama queen moment but this time he was implying that he cheated on me.

I  knew it, i knew it, i was ready for this. I remember acting like it about killed me. I was trying so hard to cry... for effects you know. It was emotional but i could not cry. I was making cry faces and pleading to him "why? why (name)? ... blah, blah blah" He says "i see how you look at your neighbor, i see how the guys from your job look at you"... blah blah blah.... Christ. So not true, just the narcissist being a narcissist.

By now, i am relaxing my facial and body expressions. I start to slowly smile, looking right at him. "Your a gotdamn  narcissist aren't you? Son of a bitch, i'll be damned, your a gotdamn narcissist" I am really smiling now.

I will NEVER forget the look on his face. He didn't know WHAT to think. Swear, he says "maybe i am"

I say...."well holy shit"

And sure it hurt. We always think well, this is the one. But this time the pain wasn't where i couldn't eat, i couldn't sleep, couldn't concentrate. I thought of him everyday for the next couple of months, but after that... nothing.   And THAT is the greatest feeling.  

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What a Summer

 What a summer! Almost over... i think too soon. If i wasn't at work, i had my little granddaughter, and we spent it at the Water Park. I'm not sure who had more fun, lol.  

What a hot as hell summer, too. But that doesn't stop the local regulars from coming in EVERYDAY! Sheesh, they come in with their whews and their omg's and their wow it's hot .... well, it can't be too hot for your ass to come out in it!!!!      

Some days was so damn hot I didn't go out!!!

So okay, me and my granddaughter were regulars at the Water Park (and still have two more days, Monday and Tuesday) this past summer, as the last too. But we were not idiots!  Not like the idiots in front of us in line... in line to get our bracelets.

Usually the line goes fast, but then you have the idiots who get up to the window and ask a million questions about the prices and blah blah blah. THERE'S A BIG GIANT SIGN WITH ALL THE PACKAGES AND PRICES!!!!!!   READ IT BEFORE OR WHILE YOUR IN LINE.... DUMBASSES!!!!!!!!

And when ordering food at the Park.... i don't stand there... ugh.... umm... do you have....

What the hell??!! While in line.. i look at the menu!!!!! When i get to the window... i say One hamburger and fries meal please, with a Coke.   HOW HARD IS THAT??????

 But what a summer. Tourists. Lots of tourists. Streets are packed.  And on on the weekends it's worse. I don't get how the locals spend SO MUCH time in that traffic, that HEAT just to get to the Coffee Shop... EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  Especially today, one of them looked like he was going to pass out... but... have to get to the Coffee Shop... have to.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Beetle Bailey

The funnies were really funny today. Just like Garfield in my previous post. Im laughing so hard i can hardly breathe. 

This one blew my mind.


I really REALLY don't get this 'comic'  All i can say is Mr.Greg and Mort Walker (the comedians and writers?)  you guys are STUPID IDIOTS.


So i had a minute at work today. It was late afternnon. The locals were all tended to, they were quiet and behaving, i snuck in the back (kitchen) with my own cup of coffee and the paper.

And caught this 'funny.'     I never liked Garfield. Never thought it was funny. But i do 'get it'

Slapping someone in the back of the head while they are drinking... something... is funny....and brings Garfield happiness.  Yeah, i get it, narcissist.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Anger, one letter short

 This is pissing me off to no end. And i don't know exactly how to deal with it. The tourists that sit down and eat DON'T do it. The every now and then sit-down customers DON'T do it. Sit down customers that i have never seen before in my life DON'T do it.
Waving that fuckin finger at me. Only the EVERYDAY customers do it. And not all of them... a  few of them. And sometimes it's when i'm approaching them ANYWAYS with a pot of coffee. And THEN.... wanna tap that finger on their coffee cups like i'm a COMPLETE IDIOT and didn't GET the meaning of the WAVING finger!!!!!!!

Just by them coming in EVERYDAY i allready know that they are unstable... and i was ranting just TODAY about this to a local regular that does NOT wave their finger at me. My boss was still their... the afternoon shift was just beginning... she was fixin to leave soon ....and she came up behind me and gave me a hug... like it's okay... it's okay. I did feel kind of better, but....


It's NOT okay!!!!

These nut cases... it's only a matter of time!!!!!!!  That i go nuts on them!!!! Just one letter short!!!! One letter short!!!!!

50 Cent, This is Awesome

I'm a big fan of 50 cent. His song In Da Club has brought me much happiness years ago clubbin' and on the radio... and it still does. The DJ at the club knew i loved that song and played it every Friday and Saturday night i went. I went into a balistic, sexy, dance... queen... something, lmao. It was my ringtone for like a year.... years ago.

And now, this man, years later... is writing a book about something that seriously needs to be addressed.

Thank-you Mr. Jackson.... for the song... and this book.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Father's Day, or is it?

I notice this every Father's Day... mornings, at the Coffee Shop. Dad's coming in with their small child(ren). Mom nowhere in sight.

I understand that Dad and Mom could be divorced or broke up and Dad has the child(ren) for Father's Day.  But i'm talking about the ones that are married or together. And the Dad works out of the home Monday thru Friday or whatever.
If it's Father's Day, why is the Dad up early...coming into the Coffee Shop.... take-out or sit-down...struggling with his small child(ren). I see the exact same thing on Mother's Day.

No, i don't know their arrangements or their business. And it is none of my business. All i know is these men work out of the home all week and it's his day, Father's Day and he is out and about, early morning with small, vocal and active child(dren) buying donuts! He's stuggling to order, while hushing and/or chasing his child(ren).

Wouldn't it be nice of the Mom to take the kids out, get breakfast while the man slept in?  Who's Day is it anyway?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Better than Sunblock

Oh boy, an AOL news story pulled one over on me. Thought i'd log on, to see what's going on. I love those AOL headlines sometimes and this one really caught my eye New Way to Protect Yourself in Sun?

I Love being out in the sun, i'm a freaking Sun Goddess in the summertime... so hell yeah i'm interested in something better than sunblock?

Ohh, the anticipation is too exciting for me, what, what is it, i ask as i click on the What popular retailers on betting on.

It's now i am really close to the computer screen, i am so curious... what? Lemon juice? nah... shit, what? Regular lotion? It's loading...   ohh, i'm so curious, what could it be?

Here it is....

I pull myself back away from the computer screen, mouth open, making a face (like i'm eating something... yucky), look of confusion. and then i say it out loud... You mutherfackers.

These mutherfackers don't think i ALREADY know this??? Obvious... DUH. No shit... DUH.

Hey, i'm getting old, but i still have it. I'm letting my hair down, popping on those sunglasses and showing my arms and legs... i'll be damn if i'm gonna put on a dorky hat like that and those stretchy gramma... shorts... where's my daisy dukes!!!  Although i do like that middle picture, the dress? But not the hat!! And the tops are pretty, but i imagine the tan line... shudder... oh hell no. I got LOTS of sunblock, gravity has been good to me...couple of bikinis, ... i'm ready for the summer.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rihanna Knows

I have loved this song and Rihanna since it came out and when i saw the video, i thought... oh that is so me in the video. Especially lately with my customers. They have done drove me crazy.

What's wrong with me?
Why do i feel like this? I'm going crazy now.

You see, in the video, i am Rihanna. The 'scene' is the Coffee Shop. And the scary people are... well the local regulars of course.

Everything about the video and the lyrics are spot on to my day at work when i am agonized with the locals that come in everyday. I love the part in the video where Rihanna is struggling to free herself from the chains... she is struggling and pulling and yanking, but those customers... i mean chains... won't let go!!!

They can creep up inside you and consume you.

I have been rather bold too with them... Ain't gonna play nice....anymore.

Trying to maintain but i'm struggling.

I love that monster-y eye look Rihanna has behind the bars... oh... so me lately. I feel like a monster.

I overheard a local regular telling another local regular.... months ago... that i haven't been my bright cheery happy self lately. I looked over, they're smiling... i smiled, and said, 'i've been tired, that's all' ... when i really wanted to say  "Y'ALL DRIVING ME NUTS!!!!!!"

Weiner Cheater?

Don't know who this guy is. Never heard of him before a couple days ago. Politics. I don't know the first thing about it. But mennnn..... i know.

Watching it on tv today.  Believe it or not, i'm not gonna scream out Narcissist... or jerk.... but rather i'm gonna say this guy did get caught up in the rush... of the internet.

Before i go on, let me say this. The internet is NOT for the naive and inexperienced. There are a LOT of CRAZIES on dating sites and chat rooms, etc. DO NOT go and meet someone you do not know. They CAN hurt you.

As i was saying...

For the single man or woman, the internet can be a lot of fun. You chat, send pictures, pay each other compliments.... so exciting. Maybe even meet.  And as long as it's two consenting adults..... ain't nothing wrong with it. 

Ain't nothing wrong with it IF YOUR SINGLE!!!!!!!!!!

WHY???? Why get married if you wanna have this kind of fun????? WHY????

I'll tell you why they do it. Because they HAAAAVE to have someone. Big babies HAAAAVE to have someone...ANYONE... just to HAAAAVE that assurance they are not alone. Once married they're scaredy big baby asses feel... that guarantee... that they have someone.... someone that will not abandon them, not anytime soon at least.

With ANYTHING... for too long... gets boring. Not for all, but a pretty damn good high percentage... one or the other.... will stray.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Like a Cobra

Ooh, the wrath of a narcissist. Like a cobra the fangs of these reptiles will puncture your heart dead center.

I always liked Arnold. Still do. Love his movies. I don't know the first thing about politics but thought, back then, how cool, a governor now.

This doesn't shock me in the least. Maybe twenty years ago it would of. But i have lived and learned. And not just celebrities. It is rampant everywhere. It's just that i can't post pictures of the narcissists i personally know in my personal life. 

Poor Maria, i know how she feels. Crippling, absolutely crippling.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Arnold and Maria Divorce

Maria Shriver has been "miserable" in her marriage for a long, long time, sources connected with the couple tell TMZ ... and it's all about Arnold Schwarzenegger's "craziness."
  "Craziness."...  I wonder what mental disorder Arnold suffers from.

(Quote)Our source tells us Maria is fed up with Arnold's infidelities ... coupled with the fact he's been "impossible" to live with. We're told Maria's kids acknowledge the issues -- and have pushed their mother to call off the marriage. (Unquote)

....'fed up with Arnold's infidelities' ... imagine 25 years of that.

(Quote)People who have spoken with Maria tell us ... despite her STRONG public persona, Maria has become a "shell of the woman" she appears to be because she is "terrified" of Arnold ... but in an emotional, not a  physical way. (Unquote)

..."terrified" of Arnold... but in an emotional way'.... imagine that.

Maria HAD to see the signs all those years ago.

And i'm not trying to say she is stupid. Because i saw it too, with my own 'men', i still hoped  i was wrong.

Jesse James-She never loved me, waa

Interviewer: You write (referring to Jesse's book) that you didn't feel that Sandy loved you.

Jesse: That's all from me because I never loved myself. I never thought highly of myself. I never considered myself successful or anything.

BULLSHIT.  I never loved myself.... BULLSHIT.

In his delusional mind, sure he thought she never loved him. And thought she was cheating on HIM. Sooo, the delusional paranoid WILL cheat. It's the 'i will do it to you before you do it to me' Classic.

He thought she was sleeping with everybody. Paranoia schizophrenia . He did have MULTIPLE affairs while married to Sandra. Multiple, because he COULD NOT shake that feeling that she was cheating on him.

Being in a relationship with these kinds of nuts is like constantly feeling very very nervous. Afraid. Afraid of how they are feeling... today. ALWAYS reassuring them of how much in love you are with them.

And then BAM... you find out they are cheating on you. THAT feeling will bring you to your kness like you will never believe. It is painful as hell.
How i hate fuckers like this. And i'd like to think.... at this point in my life and everything i have been thru... i can spot them a mile away.